Main parts of a Computer
Main parts of a Computer: 1.CPU 2.Monitor 3.Keyboard 4.Mouse CPU: Central Processing Unit It is like the brain of a computer. It controls all the other parts of the computer and makes them work together. CPU has Power On and Power Off button. It is used to turn on and turn off the Computer. Monitor: Monitor is a device that displays information. Monitor is like a TV screen. We can view our work on the monitor and play games on the monitor. We can read and watch movies. Keyboard: Keyboard is used to type information. Keyboard is made of small several buttons called keys. Different keys on the keyboard have different uses. Whatever we type is displayed on the Monitor. Mouse: Mouse is used to select objects on the screen. It is called a mouse because of it's shape and the wire attached to it which looks like a mouse tail. When we move the mouse and look at the screen, we will see a small moving arrow. This arrow is called the pointer.