
Showing posts with the label exercises we must do

Computer Basics

 How to sit in front of the Computer: 1.Sit up straight with the back against the chair's       rest.  2.The height of the chair should be enough to let       our feet touch the floor while sitting. Else use        a footrest.  3.Sit on a chair with an arm rest, so that the       shoulders are not strained. The arm rest should    be at a height at which the shoulders are         relaxed and the elbow slightly away from the     body.  4.Sit close to the keyboard. Place the keyboard     centered to the body.  5.The wrist rest can be used to rest our palms while we are not typing.  6.Mouse should be placed in the mouse tray right  next to the keyboard.  7.Monitor should be placed on the table such that it lies at the center of the head. The top of the monitor should be 2 --3 inch above our eye level.  8...